
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

this may be the new yellowdog going to give it a shot.



Richard said...

Oh good! Best luck. I was worried for a few days, yellowdoggranny. Sometimes this project of yours says things better than i can.

SickoRicko said...

I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE BACK!! Thank you for the effort you put into this.

yellowdoggranny said...

thank you Richard and Ricko..I appreciate you guys so much..I'm hoping the old one will be back..after almost 16 years..hard to let go.

The Blog Fodder said...

Hi, Jackiesue, once I quit looking for you blog under WordPress, it was much easier to find. I hope you get the old one back because this one needs a lot of work to be user friendly. Butit is nice to see you on line again.

yellowdoggranny said...

yeah, its a work in progress.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I forgot all about this old blog of yours! Glad you can use it now. I hope Blogger ultimately restores your main one.

Great lineup of laffs, thanks! I stole the merging traffic one, the Worcestershire Sauce one, and the Feminist Air Force one, LOL!

Leanna said...

I'm glad you're back with us girlfriend. I was thinking you were going over to the light side for a minute there. I was going to have to lure you back with some porn, cowboy cookies, and whiskey. Shit. It doesn't look like the ol' place but I think you can spruce it up real nice like with some memes on the side there and some nice anti-Abbott Texas shit.
I love that old cell phone meme. Calling in an airstrike. Yeah, I remember the good ol' days of lugging around 30 lbs. of cell. Ahhhh the good ol days. When men were women and women were, wait that's still going on today. Well, it's good to see you back on again.

yellowdoggranny said...

thanks leanna, I'm still hoping they will put me back where I belong.