
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Two tits up for Wednesday



Valerie said...

Oh, my, the box for Ted Cruz's balls made me snort coffee! Hell of a line-up today, Jackie Sue! Have a great week!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And don't forget "shag" haircuts -- I had one in the mid-70s, LOL! Had a good laugh at the asparagus advice too.

Lin Barker said...

Box with Ted Cruz's balls looked a little large for it's contents.


pam nash said...

Yes - books please. Books keep me sane!

SickoRicko said...

You are maintaining a terrific form m'lady!

jono said...

I will never forget the Gazpacho police. Ever.

Tundra Bunny said...

As always, Daffy Duck gets the last, best word in! LOL

wibble said...

Snagged the last one; that's exactly what they would have drawn him saying, but for the MPAA of yore and the censors....

yellowdoggranny said...

Valerie, personally I think trump flushed cruz's balls down the toilet.
Debra I had a shag haircut too AND a fro. ha.

lin, probably are.
Pam, I left the library yesterday laughing like I won the lottery. Dean Koontz and Stephen King...yeehaw
thanks Ricko..appreciate it.
Jono, the Gazpacho police are everywhere. be on the lookout.
Bunny who doesnt love daffy duck?
wibble suffering succotash

Ol'Buzzard said...

The world is a populated by stupid people. It has always been populated by stupid people; and every once in a while the stupid people unite and voice their stupidity. That is where we are now.
the Ol'Buzzard

wibble said...

Buzz -

The problem we have now is that unlike spasms of stupidity in the past, we now have a worldwide, near-instantaneous network that allows the stupid to disseminate and propagate with planet-killing speed...


yellowdoggranny said...

ol'buzzard...we're fucked.
wibble..what I told Buzz