
Monday, January 24, 2022


this is from my friend Charles Roberts...who asked why ydg was down.  

found the way to complain and the answer is little original content and reposting is considered spam. I would bet, but have no proof Some Trump supporter saw context that did not follow the Trump narrative and whined like a true Karen.

Since yellowdoggrannie has been up for 16 fucking years and no one every said jackshit, that little fucker must have complained. So if little original content is a problem, I'm going to start doing more bullshit you will have to grin and bear it..more gg's, more West, more opinions about shit that hopefully will keep you entertained and off the streets and me on blogger...little fucking weasel..

and thank you're a good friend..


wibble said...

Oh, bullshit. You had stuff other than reposts all the time. MAGAt assholes...

Bohemian said...

You were just Too Much for a MAGAt, I'm just surprised any of them can Read... but they do tend to Karen excellently and default to White Privilege whenever they can gain favor with it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoy all your posts, YDG, memes and shit posts alike!

Judy K said...

Most of us come to your site to laugh and enjoy your uniquely amazing sense of humor. This person must have no 'humor' outlet and can only think to remove it for the rest of us.

pam nash said...

All your posts are great! Keep on keeping on YDG.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm not going down without a fight..I'll just keep putting up new blogs...assholes..sigh*..thanks guys..brace yourself for dancing down memory lane with me.

Richard said...

I found your blog by way of She Who Seeks. I keep coming back because i like the memes and i like the way you put them together. I appreciate your sense of humor and kindness. I also live in a desert western area dominated by greasy fatass Republican racist carpetbagging thieves. So there.

I think your content is pretty original. Maybe you can sprinkle in a weather report or something about cats or something?

I visit once or twice a week and i appreciate your work. No one else is doing it.

Leanna said...

JackieSue, you rock g/f!!

yellowdoggranny said...

bless you my child.

yellowdoggranny said...

somedays I do...........sometimes i fuck off..